Winter Storm Policy: Weekend Services will always take place on Sat 6 p.m. & Sun 9 a.m., 11 a.m. all other Ministries & Events follow Liverpool CSD. 

Student Ministry

An active, engaging experience that builds faith and discipleship

Student Ministry

Connect with other students in Christ

The student ministry offers an interactive environment for students to gather and explore what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. It’s a place to connect with peers and walk through life together. The Student Ministry facilitates this through active large group gatherings of music, games, and teaching. We would love to have your student join us!

6th-12th Grade

Wednesday Night

Join Us!


Parent Resources

Read Scripture

Spend quality time reading the Bible daily while learning how to read it with contextual videos from The Bible Project.

The Bible Project

Explore the bible deeper with videos, podcasts, and blogs which will help you learn, grow in your walk, and understand the Bible.


Connecting Parents, Teens & Jesus in a Disconnected World

We give parents and mentors hope by being your guide through culture into the conversation around Jesus.

Interested in serving?

Fill out one of the forms below to start serving with the next generation.