Winter Storm Policy: Weekend Services will always take place on Sat 6 p.m. & Sun 9 a.m., 11 a.m. all other Ministries & Events follow Liverpool CSD. 

Legacy Ministry

A fun and welcoming place to gather, connect, and walk with the Lord

Legacy Ministry

Meet and connect with other Northside senior adults

Northside’s legacy ministry exists to help senior adults meet and connect. We provide opportunities to serve others; enjoy fun times with each other; and build meaningful fellowship & relationships.

The legacy ministry encourages us to walk with the Lord and live and leave a godly legacy.

Living and Leaving a Godly Legacy

A legacy is the result of how we manage the life God gave us to use for His glory and to bear His image. It is a product of the decisions we make in private and live out in public. Our legacy is a choice: It is something we create every day–not just when we take our last breath.

L- Listen with your Eyes

When you are engaging with people, make them the priority by looking at them. Avoid looking around, over their shoulder, or at your phone. Make them feel like they are the most important person in the room. (Matthew 6:22)

E- Encourage from the Heart

Everybody wants to be somebody, so make them feel that way. People should walk away feeling better about themselves because you said or did something that added value to them. (Luke 6:45)

G- Give God the Glory

We are created in God’s image so that people would look at us and see a reflection of His character. This can’t happen if you’re busy trying to build your personal resume. “Whatever you do, do it for the glory of God.” (Corinthians 10:31)

A- Always say “Thank You”

Having an attitude of gratitude goes a long way. People will notice your appreciation. And don’t just say it to be polite. Shake their hand (hug them), look them in the eye, and tell them WHY you appreciate what they did. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

C- Count Your Blessings

When we lose sight of what God has bestowed upon us, we tend to think we don’t need His help. When we are grateful for what He’s given us (both seen and unseen), and share it with others, we position ourselves to receive more. (Psalm 100)

Y- You First: Serve Others

Making other people’s agenda a priority always leaves an impression. Our “me first” culture makes it easy to stand out simply by making other people a priority. (1 Peter 4-10)

A legacy is the result of how we manage the life God gave us to use for His glory and to bear His image. It is a product of the decisions we make in private and live out in public. Our legacy is a choice: It is something we create every day–not just when we take our last breath.

ages 50+